10 Effective Tips For Coping with Holiday Depression and Loneliness

Every year the holiday season comes with a time of joy, celebration and togetherness. These positive feelings bring good emotions and happiness that fill our minds. But—for many this time of year brings a mix of emotions—such as mild stress, profound loneliness and severe depression. There are many reasons that can amplify feelings of isolation, financial pressure or grief which...[ read more ]

Why is Family Therapy Essential for Serious Mental Illness Treatment?

Why is Family Therapy Essential for Serious Mental Illness Treatment? Have you ever heard of the fact that Serious Mental Illness (SMI) or mental health conditions significantly disrupt an individual's thinking, mood and even behavior? Different types of SMI including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorders not only create problems within your mind but may also impair your ability...[ read more ]

How Light Therapy Helps Overcome Seasonal Affective Disorder

How Light Therapy Helps Overcome Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a type of depression that typically occurs during the fall and winter months when daylight hours are shorter. Because of that it is also called the "winter blues". Individuals with SAD often experience symptoms similar to major depression including persistent sadness, low energy, changes in sleep...[ read more ]

How to Reduce Workplace Stress with Mindfulness

How to Reduce Workplace Stress with Mindfulness Workplace life today resembles another kind of world altogether. The way in which the pandemic shifted our "desks home" shifted the ways of working, what to fear, and finally, how to manage such. Better still, to a new normal of longer working hours, shabby job security, and increased competition in daily lives. No...[ read more ]

How Genetics Influences Major Depressive Disorder

How Genetics Influences Major Depressive Disorder Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or depression affects millions globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 280 million people suffer from depression[1] but many people with depressive symptoms are undiagnosed, so the number may be even higher. Understanding the interplay between genetic and environmental factors is key to understanding why some people are more...[ read more ]

How to Support a Loved One with Depression

How to Support a Loved One with Depression Depression is a formidable adversary and supporting someone with major depressive disorder is a challenging journey that requires time, patience and unwavering commitment. If a loved one is fighting it, one would feel helpless, at a loss as to how to move ahead. You may feel a very wide range of emotions...[ read more ]

Seasonal Affective Disorder: What It Is and How to Cope

Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Seasonal Affective Disorder: What It Is and How to Cope Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), often referred to as seasonal depression, is recognized as a type of major depressive disorder. This condition is characterized by its unique timing, typically occurring at specific times of the year. Unlike general depression, which is a persistent state...[ read more ]

Beyond the Hurt: Coping with Negative Comments from Bipolar Individuals

Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Beyond the Hurt: Coping with Negative Comments from Bipolar Individuals Interacting with someone who has bipolar disorder can present unique challenges, especially when hurtful words are spoken. It's important to understand that these hurtful statements often stem from people with bipolar disorder's symptoms rather than the person's true feelings. This blog post will...[ read more ]

5 Ways to Reduce Workplace Stress – Proven Grounding Techniques Explained

Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / 5 Ways to Reduce Workplace Stress – Proven Grounding Techniques Explained Workplace stress has become as true and omnipresent in our hustle culture as the air we breathe. It's a reality everyone struggles with, from the company's VP to that new intern. Here are some worrisome work-related stress stats that prove it's not...[ read more ]

TMS Therapy: A Comprehensive Exploration of its Use in Treating Chronic Depression

Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / TMS Therapy: A Comprehensive Exploration of its Use in Treating Chronic Depression Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) – A new hope for treating depression when other treatments have failed or were only partially effective, it is FDA-cleared, non-invasive, and covered by most insurances. What is TMS therapy? How does it work? Even though it...[ read more ]

Vision Board – What’s on Your Board?

Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Vision Board – What’s on Your Board? We are well into 2019, the second month of the year and I simply ask "Have you kept with your intentions?", "Have your Visions for this year shifted, changed, altered", "morphed into something different?", "Have you asked yourself what YOUR vision for your life is day-by-day?"...[ read more ]

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Reflection, Intention, & Regenerate

Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Reflection, Intention, & Regenerate As the year comes to a close, even if we are technically mid-December, the days counting toward January 2019 is around the corner. When we are surrounded by those we love and those who love us, we revel in the moments shared, then when...[ read more ]

Is work really hell?

Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Is work really hell? A recent highly unscientific and totally biased study of 18 sequential patients admitted to the New Ageish yet medium-high tech Union Square office of an upstart group psychiatric practice revealed that 9.5 of them had work-related issues that significantly exacerbated or even “caused” their symptomatology. (D. Brody, personal communication.)...[ read more ]

Honest talk about depression and psychotropic drugs during pregnancy

Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Honest talk about depression and psychotropic drugs during pregnancy Catch Dr.Vidushi Savant, MD candidly talking about depression and psychotropic during pregnancy. In her article published in www.losaltosonline.com She suggests that one must weigh the risks of untreated depression against risks caused by exposing the fetus to medication. Find out why she made that...[ read more ]

Overcoming stigmas about mental illness

Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Overcoming stigmas about mental illness Overcoming stigmas about mental illness People with mental health problems often don’t seek medical attention out of fear of social stigma. According to Dr. Sonia Parikh, M.D, Psychiatrist, the biggest barrier to treatment is the social stigma. Mental health issues are highly stigmatized and often misunderstood in our...[ read more ]

Depression is not a normal part of aging and should be taken seriously

Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Signature Silicon Valley: November 2014 Signature Silicon Valley: November 2014 Depression is more than just a bout of sadness and it’s not a natural consequence of aging. However, treatment of elderly depression should be taken seriously because the impairing medical condition with accompanying changes to the brain can have a long-lasting effect on...[ read more ]