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Why Digital Detox is Your Key to Better Well-being

Why Digital Detox is Your Key to Better Well-being

Digital Detox: Do you find yourself constantly carrying your smartphone with you everywhere—even to the toilet—so as not to miss a notification? You’re not alone. Studies show 61% of people confess that they have become addicted to digital devices and the internet.

It can be very disastrous to your mental health, even worse. Excessive time in front of a screen is directly connected to depression, anxiety, and even low self-esteem. That is why sometimes taking a little step back from social media apps might do some good—not just a fast from them—but also taking some time away from the screen would be beneficial to your overall well-being.

That’s where a digital detox comes in. It’s a period in which you do something to cut down on the time spent on your devices and on the internet. You may want to shut off entirely for some time.

By shutting off, you give yourself an opportunity to reconnect with the real world, which makes it easier to get a good night’s sleep and decreases stress.

Now, let’s discuss exactly how a digital detox can positively impact your life and your mental health.

What exactly is a digital detox?

The meaning of digital detox is rather simple—abstinence from screens and digital devices. It has become all the more important in a world where about 61% of people confess to being addicted to the internet and their gadgets. In fact, among the 18-—to 29-year-old group, as many as 22% confessed to checking their phones every few minutes!

Well, the concept of a digital detox is to rest the mind from excessive exposure to screens. It is that phase of life when everything refreshes, and you start enjoying activities and creation in the real world.

Why do we need a Digital Detox?

The exposure of eyes to too many screens has a long list of issues. These include:

  • They ache your eyes, causing headaches or even migraine attacks.
  • It always changes your eating pattern and exercise activities; hence, you are likely to gain weight.
  • You cannot sleep well, and this will leave you feeling tired, irritated, and moody.
  • It makes someone feel lonely, thus affecting their mood.
  • It lowers your self-esteem.
  • It causes depression and anxiety.
  • It alters concentration and, in turn, time management.

Experts say that when you scroll through social media, your brain receives a dose of dopamine—the feel-good chemical. This can cause an addictively intoxicated feeling not too different from drugs such as cocaine!

The Dark Side of Our Digital Lives

Ever wonder why, at the end of the day, you turn out to be so frazzled by continuous notifications and scrolling? Let’s dive into the less pretty effects of our digital addiction.

Stress Overload

Believe it or not, around 18% of U.S. adults blame technology as their chief stress trigger. And it’s not just the grown-ups—study after report in Sweden shows young adults losing sleep and feeling down due to their gadget obsession.

Sleep? What’s That?

Imagine this: 70% of us scroll our smartphones in bed, while 15% of us spend over an hour on social media immediately before we go to bed. Wonder why we lie awake? This late-night technology habit is messing with our sleep quality—and it’s really not good for kids. In turn, technology is making us pack on the pounds and cranking up our anxiety levels.

Kids and Mental Health: Growing Concern

Kids glued to their screens are more likely to show symptoms of ADHD and problems of self-control. It’s like their gadgets are hijacking growing brains!

Work-Life What?

Remember when leaving the office meant you were really leaving work? With our always-on tech culture, a 2019 study found that it continuously blurs the lines between work and play. As we can guess, this increases stress and decreases job satisfaction. Maybe it’s time to bring back the “Do Not Disturb” sign.

The Comparison Game

We’ve all been there—scrolling through Instagram and seeing everyone’s highlight reels, feeling like we’re boring in comparison. Here’s the truth: all those perfect posts are just snapshots. Everybody brings their struggle, even if they don’t post about it. Your life isn’t any less worthy just because you’re not living up to some celebrity’s Instagram feed.

FOMO: A Joy Killer

FOMO, or fear of missing out. You see friends at parties or even colleagues getting a promotion; you feel left behind. Remember, social media is just a highlight reel. You’re not missing on life by not being everywhere and doing everything.

The Digital Detox Solution

So, what’s the solution to all these digital dilemmas? Enter the digital detox. It’s not an alienation from technology or any such thing (let’s be real). It’s finding a better balance in the equation. So, here’s how a digital detox may help you:

  1. It gives your mind a reset time through unplugging and relaxation.
  2. Less blue light means better sleep before bed.
  3. Without constant notifications, you can focus on what matters.
  4. Face-to-face beats emoji conversation.
  5. Who knows? You might even find a new hobby or passion when you aren’t always scrolling.
  6. Less comparing, more appreciating of your own unique journey.

Benefits of Digital Detox

Electronic gadgets are everywhere, having penetrated almost every aspect of life in the present digital era. However, excessive exposure to those technologies has a number of adverse effects on mental and physical health.

This section considers a number of advantages of observing a digital detox, which is a process of voluntarily withdrawing or refraining from using digital gadgets for some time.

Improved Sleeping Habits

Digital detox is associated with improved quality of sleep. All electronic devices emit blue light, interfering with the body’s ability to produce melatonin, a hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle. Lower screen time, especially in the hours leading up to bed, can lead to :

  • Faster sleep onsets
  • Improved sleep duration
  • Enhanced quality of sleep
  • Better regulation of circadian rhythms

Stress Reduction and Mental Health Benefits

The constant connectivity has generally increased stress levels. A digital detox will be able to alleviate this through the following means:

  1. Reduced amount of work-related communications outside of working hours
  2. Reduced pressure to be constantly available for messages and notifications
  3. Reduced exposure to potentially stressful news and social media content.

Improved Cognitive Function

Excessive multitasking associated with the use of digital devices results in cognitive overload. A digital detox allows the brain to restart itself, and one is able to:

  1. Focus attention
  2. Be able to concentrate on single tasks
  3. Process information better with great retention capability
  4. Improved productivity at work or school

Physical Health Improvements

Long-term use of digital gadgets has been associated with a series of physical sicknesses, some of which are discussed below and can be flushed out by undergoing a digital detox:

  1. Eye strain and associated headaches
  2. Poor postures causing neck and back pains
  3. Repetitive Strain Injury, like carpal tunnel syndrome
  4. Sitting and lack of exercise—the subject may be able to free time for more physical activity.

Fostering Creativity and Personal Growth

The constant digital stimulation does not let your creative juices flow. A digital detox allows for the following:

  1. Mind-wandering—a condition so important for creative problem-solving.
  2. New hobby and experience-based learning
  3. Self-reflection and personal growth
  4. Reading books or other non-digital forms of entertainment

Strengthening Real-World Relationships

Where digital technologies enable communication, they might also hamper deep, meaningful connections. A digital detox can:

  1. Encourage more face-to-face interactions
  2. Improve the quality of conversations by reducing distractions
  3. Enhance empathy and emotional connection in relationships
  4. Promote active listening and presence in social situations

Improvement of Self-Awareness and Mindfulness

The constant digital engagement can put somebody in a perpetual state of distraction. A digital detox offers the opportunity for the following:

  1. Practicing mindfulness and meditation
  2. Enhancement of self-awareness
  3. Development of balance in life’s perspective
  4. Re-engagement in activities not involving screens that are part of self-care

Improvement in Time Management

A digital detox will give one a chance to reassess the way one uses time. Among the benefits are :

  1. Increased awareness about using digital devices and the time spent.
  2. Getting to focus on the most important tasks and relationships.
  3. Increased productivity when digital devices are used.
  4. Healthier digital habits after the detox.

Effective Strategies for Digital Detoxing

Digital detox refers to the time spent away from digital devices. This section explains practical ways to implement an effective digital detox.

Setting Boundaries

The creation of boundaries is very important in having an effective digital detox:

  1. Meal times are device-free to encourage mindful eating and socializing.
  2. “No phones in the bedroom” ensures good sleep hygiene.
  3. Create no-phone zones while you are socializing to have time face-to-face.
  4. Set aside digital detox time to pursue interests/hobbies.

Studies show that using social media only for 30 minutes can make a huge difference in emotional and physical health.

Managing Notifications

Breaking this vicious cycle of one’s digital lives could be halted in many respects by reducing the frequency of notifications in various ways:

  1. Switching off push notifications of non-essential applications, especially social media.
  2. Dedicate specific times for checking messages and updates. For example, 20 minutes in the morning and evening are more than enough to update one on what is happening around them.
  3. During social activities, the devices should be put on silent or, better still, left behind at home to avoid destruction.

Engaging in Offline Activities

It is noticed by many people that time reallocated from digital devices to off-line activities enhances well-being more as a whole. These may include the following activities:

  1. Reading of an actual book or e-books using non-backlit devices
  2. Listening to podcasts and audiobooks instead of engaging in visual media consumption
  3. Setting more time to exercise
  4. Engage in sports or go outdoors
  5. Spending your time on creative hobbies like gardening, cooking, handicrafts
  6. Journaling for self-reflection and memory preservation
  7. Person-to-person social interactions and conversations.

Utilizing Technology to Limit Technology Use

One irony is that some technology will help you live a relatively digital-detox life, including the following:

  1. An app that tracks device usage helps with trends of usage.
  2. Apps prevent access to individual websites or apps for set periods.
  3. Unify social media to minimize the number of services needing attention.
  4. Replace video-based applications with audio-only applications to minimize screen use.

Considering Device Downgrading

More radical steps may work better for those who seek a more extreme approach to reducing their usage, like turning to less high-performance mobile devices:

  1. Switch to a basic phone model with limited internet capabilities.
  2. This, to a very great extent, avoids the temptation to engage in some bad digital habits.

Digital Wellbeing in Social Circles

Take your digital detox practice to the social network for solid motivation:

  1. Share your digital detox goals with your friends and family to get an understanding environment.
  2. Organize digitally-free social meetups or activities.
  3. Engage children in appropriate digital detox practices at tender ages to help them develop healthy technology habits.


1. How long should my digital detox last?

A digital detox doesn’t have to be a lengthy one. You can initially try for a few hours a day. You should gradually increase the time to one or two days a week.

2. Who can benefit from a digital detox?

Any person who is an overuse of digital devices can use this method. Initially, you might feel irritated, anxious and bored. But after one or two weeks, you’ll feel the difference. For example – You’ll sleep better, you’ll be more focused on any work, you’ll be less tired, your eyesight will improve, your sitting posture will be better, your mood will improve, etc.

3. Does a digital detox mean all technology?

Of course not. Digital detox primarily involves avoiding social media, video apps, messages, games, and other options that can affect your eyes and mind. You can easily use music apps to refresh yourself.

4. What devices should you turn off in a digital detox?

You should turn off all electronic devices that require the internet, preferably smartphones, PCs, laptops, tablets, televisions, gaming consoles, etc.

5. How do you customize your digital detox plan?

Some unique options for a digital detox:

  • You can uninstall one specific app, game or digital tool from your mobile device.
  • Try social media detox, such as stopping yourself totally from accessing all the social media accounts for a specific period of time.
  • Try a day-based digital detox plan, such as choosing one day of the week to go tech-free.
  • Follow digital detox week and keep away from all digital devices for a week.


Excessive technology use can negatively impact mental and physical health. However, implementing a digital detox can significantly improve overall well-being. Whether reducing social media usage or having device-free days, every effort towards digital balance is beneficial.

The key lies in setting and adhering to boundaries, prioritizing real-world connections and rediscovering life beyond screens. Embracing activities that enhance well-being, improve sleep and foster creativity is crucial. It’s important to remember that the goal is balance, not complete disconnection.

Authored By

shebna n osanmoh

Shebna N Osanmoh I, PMHNP-BC

Aug 26, 2024

Shebna N Osanmoh is a board-certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse
Practitioner with extensive experience across the mental health spectrum. Holding a Master’s in
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing from Walden University, Shebna provides compassionate,
culturally sensitive care for a wide range of mental health conditions, emphasizing holistic and
individualized treatment approaches to support patients in their wellness journey.