How to Handle Financial Stress and Protect Mental Wellbeing There will always be unexpected financial downturns in your life, which can disturb your feeling of security and well-being. According to a recent APA survey, 73% of Americans experience stress about money. Financial stress, whether from unexpected medical bills, sudden job loss, or escalating debt, can have significant impacts on both...[ read more ]
8 Ways To Manage Social Anxiety In The Workplace Social anxiety is a common but often overlooked problem that can really impact your professional life. Fear of colleagues, meetings, or presenting ideas can make you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable and impact your job performance and overall well-being (Stein & Stein, 2008). However, with the right strategies and mindset, you can...[ read more ]
How to Choose Between CBT and DBT for Mood Disorders Mood disorders like depression and bipolar affect millions of Americans every year[1] and can be debilitating[3] . As mental health awareness grows so does the need for treatment options[2] . Two popular therapies have gotten a lot of attention: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Both have...[ read more ]
How to Help Students Overcome Academic Anxiety Academic anxiety is a growing problem for students at all levels. From elementary to university, students are under so much pressure to perform, which can lead to stress, fear of failure and mental health issues. As education gets tougher, it’s time to recognize the signs of academic anxiety and help students manage it...[ read more ]
How Anxiety Affects Our Decision-Making Anxiety influences our decision-making by modifying our perceptions, reasoning, and hence our choices. For some, the mere thought of having to make decisions triggers feelings of acute or insidious anxiousness and panic. Indeed, the entire process involved in planning, researching, checking out alternative strategies, and finally coming to a decision is full of acute distress...[ read more ]
Many people feel sick to their stomach or like throwing up when experiencing intense anxiousness. In fact, over half of those with diagnosed anxiety disorders struggle with nausea as a symptom. While anxiety doesn't always lead to nausea, it's real discomfort for numerous individuals. Some notice mild queasiness, while others cannot function from severe nausea. Luckily, occasional nausea related only...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Tips for Self-Confidence "I do not deserve my success." "Did I really win the award on my own merit? Maybe it was a fluke or a mistake." "I am just a fraud…" Do such thoughts come to you often that make you question your past achievements? Does your inner critic...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Self-Care for Caregivers: Essential Mental Health Tips Seeing a loved one living a challenging life or battling harsh health conditions is not easy. So, it is common for one to take the brunt of caregiving tasks. The problem occurs when they disregard their own needs while focusing entirely on their loved ones. If...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Four Reasons Why Social Media is Good for Mental Health & How to Use It Right Social media has become synonymous with negativity. But still, you and I, along with millions of others, log into it daily to update ourselves on what's happening in our social sphere.Is it all in vain, and are...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Then and Now “It is on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly.” –Claude Monet Have you ever had a moment, sitting alone in your room or staring out the window, when you found yourself thinking about where you used to be...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Vision Board – What’s on Your Board? We are well into 2019, the second month of the year and I simply ask "Have you kept with your intentions?", "Have your Visions for this year shifted, changed, altered", "morphed into something different?", "Have you asked yourself what YOUR vision for your life is day-by-day?"...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Overcoming stigmas about mental illness Overcoming stigmas about mental illness People with mental health problems often don’t seek medical attention out of fear of social stigma. According to Dr. Sonia Parikh, M.D, Psychiatrist, the biggest barrier to treatment is the social stigma. Mental health issues are highly stigmatized and often misunderstood in our...[ read more ]