What is the First Episode of Psychosis? Psychosis is a mental health condition where you lose touch with reality, which can include hallucinations, delusions and disorganized thinking. Symptoms usually emerge between 16-30 years old. Unfortunately, many people don’t get treatment until 74 weeks – over a year – after symptoms start, which can impact long-term recovery. What is First-Episode Psychosis...[ read more ]
How to Boost Well-Being with Positive Psychology Techniques What if you could improve your happiness and well-being by incorporating a few simple practices into your daily routine? It may sound unreal and hectic, but trust me…it is possible through positive psychology. What is positive psychology? Positive psychology is a scientific study that focuses on the positive aspects of the human...[ read more ]
How to Break the PTSD and Addiction Cycle and Heal PTSD and substance use disorders (SUDs) go hand in hand in a vicious cycle. Understanding how they work together is key to treatment and recovery. This article will look at the relationship between PTSD and addiction, why they co-occur, and evidence-based ways to break the cycle and heal. Understanding PTSD...[ read more ]
Are Mobile Phones Impacting Your Child's Ability to Concentrate? We are living in the most difficult times to raise our kids with good habits and health. We have been technologically blessed now, but our children are fighting with poor concentration due to addiction to smartphones and addictive gaming apps. Most adults, including young kids, are addicted to watching short videos...[ read more ]
Mood swings: Causes, symptoms, and how to manage them Mood swings have become a common issue for people today. Like any other mental health problem, without proper attention, people may get into serious mental health conditions. Mood swings can interrupt your normal daily life, your work and even ruin your relationships with other people. Denying your mood swings issue can...[ read more ]
Why Eco-Therapy is Effective for Mental Health Have you ever felt refreshed and rejuvenated after having spent some time outdoors? Well, eco-therapy is just that, enhancing mental health by way of connecting with nature. What Is Eco-Therapy? Eco-therapy, also called nature therapy or green therapy, is a very simple idea that being in nature is going to help us feel...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / How To Maintain Focus With ADHD – 14 Tips Maintaining focus can be a challenge for those dealing with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD makes it difficult to stay on task and complete goals without distraction. This is due to brain chemistry and structure differences that impact attention and focus. However, there...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Hangover Anxiety Or Hangxiety – 7 Useful Ways To Prevent It Hangover Anxiety Or Hangxiety – 7 Useful Ways To Prevent It Many people don’t know that hangovers after drinking alcohol may have physical and psychological anxiety symptoms. This disorder is known as hangover anxiety or hangxiety. What Is Hangxiety? Hangxiety’ or ‘hangover...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Silent Struggles: The Psychological Toll of Infertility Many people consider having a family the ultimate goal for leading a fulfilling life. But for some, the likelihood of this dream becoming a reality is more complicated or even impossible. Knowing the right coping strategies helps one deal with such stressful situations better. In this...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Warning Signs of Dementia: Don’t Miss These Early Hints Dementia is a progressive neurological disorder affecting millions globally. It results from physical changes in the brain, leading to memory and cognitive impairments. Recognizing its warning signs is vital for early detection and timely intervention. This article talks about signs, early diagnosis, types of...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Navigating Mental Wellness: A Deep Dive into Modern Mental Healthcare In today's fast-paced world, mental health concerns have become increasingly prevalent. Mental issues like stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues affect millions worldwide. Seeking help for these concerns is a crucial step towards healing and well-being. However, navigating the mental healthcare...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / 6 Strategies for Parenting With PTSD Individuals diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) continue to experience the effects of a traumatic event long after its occurrence. They struggle to cease thoughts about the trauma or this mental health condition and become consumed by fear, constantly anticipating its recurrence. An often-used saying for individuals...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / 6 Famous People With OCD and What You Can Learn from Them? Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, affects 2.5 million adults in the US, which may include you or someone you know. The obsessive thoughts and compulsions that come with the condition can seriously affect your personal life. But with a robust social support...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Find Out How to Help Someone with an Eating Disorder – 11 Tips Eating disorder is a coping mechanism that a person knowingly or unknowingly conjures at times of crisis to help relieve emotional pain and achieve some degree of control. But what stimulates the development of this faulty relationship with food? The...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Grief and Loss: Different Stages and How to Deal With It When we lose a loved one, it can take lots of time to heal and learn to live life without that person. Grief is a natural response to loss but if the grief is overwhelming or the duration is abnormally long, it...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / I Wish My Parents Would…. The relationship between a parent and their teen is complicated to say the least. Parents are the roommates we don’t get to choose yet are paired up with for the first 18 years of our lives. Granted, we don’t have much to say for the first few years...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / The immigrant paradox – The urgent call for the right mental health care Recent headlines about detainment and family separations at the border have flung the immigrant plight into the spotlight. The mental health of the people affected by these changes is an important area for further understanding. Mental health conditions are not...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Does Your Mental Health Affect Your Parenting? This particular subject is a bit touchy. While some experts say yes, others beg to differ. To a certain extent, yes, your mental health does affect your parenting. Will my child have a mental health condition as well? Mental health conditions are not contagious, but research...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Vision Board – What’s on Your Board? We are well into 2019, the second month of the year and I simply ask "Have you kept with your intentions?", "Have your Visions for this year shifted, changed, altered", "morphed into something different?", "Have you asked yourself what YOUR vision for your life is day-by-day?"...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Relapse Prevention Planning as Part of Behavioral Health Recovery Benefiting from psychotherapy involves hard work, both in sessions and in the real world. Being committed to making positive behavioral changes, using strategic behavioral and cognitive interventions, and being vulnerable to in depth exploration of past relationships, traumas, and decisions made from a place...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Reflection, Intention, & Regenerate As the year comes to a close, even if we are technically mid-December, the days counting toward January 2019 is around the corner. When we are surrounded by those we love and those who love us, we revel in the moments shared, then when...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Is work really hell? A recent highly unscientific and totally biased study of 18 sequential patients admitted to the New Ageish yet medium-high tech Union Square office of an upstart group psychiatric practice revealed that 9.5 of them had work-related issues that significantly exacerbated or even “caused” their symptomatology. (D. Brody, personal communication.)...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Honest talk about depression and psychotropic drugs during pregnancy Catch Dr.Vidushi Savant, MD candidly talking about depression and psychotropic during pregnancy. In her article published in www.losaltosonline.com She suggests that one must weigh the risks of untreated depression against risks caused by exposing the fetus to medication. Find out why she made that...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Mental health problems rampant among ‘friends’ Mental health problems rampant among ‘friends’ Mental health problems are rampant among Facebook friends. But most of them don’t feel comfortable telling about their disorders to their closest Facebook friends. In his article featured in www.losaltosonline.com Dr.Christopher Sorensen, MD, psychiatrist, openly talks about various types of mental...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Psychiatry startup incorporates tech to connect Psychiatry startup incorporates tech to connect A few years back, there was no thermometer for mental health. Thanks to SavantCare, psychiatrists, and patients can track goals, medications, symptoms, weight, and different screenings now. Published in: www.losaltosonline.com Written by Dr. Vidushi Savant, MD, Psychiatrist On Jun 15, 2016Dr....[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / SavantCare on Comunidad Del Valle – NBC Bay Area SavantCare on Comunidad Del Valle – NBC Bay Area Watch the exclusive interview of Vikas Kedia, (CEO of Savant Care) & Robert Lopez, (Co-Founder of Savant Care) with NBC Bay Area to know how the lack of breakthrough technologies in the behavioral health lead...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / KTVU Interview with Dr. Vidushi Savant & Dr. Sonia Parikh KTVU Interview with Dr. Vidushi Savant & Dr. Sonia Parikh Watch this show hosted by Lisa Yokota where she discusses about the stigma of mental illness with the co-founders of SavantCare – Dr.Vidushi Savant and Dr.Sonia Parikh. In this special edition of KTVU...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / KBAY Radio Interview KBAY Radio Interview Your browser does not support the audio element. Check Out The Radio Interview Transcript KBay Host - As we continue here on South Bay Sunday, yeah here it is that most wonderful time of the year ends for some of us, that most depressing time of the...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Signature Silicon Valley: November 2014 Signature Silicon Valley: November 2014 Watch this award-winning magazine show Signature Silicon Valley hosted by Janice Edwards where she has a candid discussion with Dr. Vidushi Savant and Dr. Sonia Parikh about how SavantCare is focusing on the treatments for mental illness. Catch the co-founders of SavantCare openly...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Overcoming stigmas about mental illness Overcoming stigmas about mental illness People with mental health problems often don’t seek medical attention out of fear of social stigma. According to Dr. Sonia Parikh, M.D, Psychiatrist, the biggest barrier to treatment is the social stigma. Mental health issues are highly stigmatized and often misunderstood in our...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Overcoming Stigmas: Starting the Conversation about South Asian Mental Health Overcoming Stigmas: Starting the Conversation about South Asian Mental Health Dr. Sonia Parikh initiates the conversation about the mental health issues rampant in the South Asian community and the stigma attached to them. Stress and addiction are common complaints among South Asians in...[ read more ]
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Is marijuana use increasing the burden of mental illness? Is marijuana use increasing the burden of mental illness? The New York Times and other opinion polls have boldly suggested that the federal government should legalize marijuana use in the country. There is a strong trend toward euphemizing a substance that has a long-term...[ read more ]