Exercise as Medicine for Anxiety Relief

January 23, 2025
Exercise as Medicine for Anxiety Relief

Anxiety as a condition has been affecting a lot of people in recent years. One survey showed that 43% of adults admitted to having more anxious thoughts in 2024 which is a big jump from 37% in 2023 and so on. This is a concerning phenomenon but rather expected—the improvements in modern society have also brought challenges like more work demands, higher cost of living and more. Given these factors a lot of people have been increasingly struggling with mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

While medications and therapies are available you can also try a natural and cost-effective strategy to relieve anxiety that is highly effective- physical exercise. According to a study, regular exercise can help control anxiety symptoms and depression. In this post let’s uncover the benefits of exercise for anxiety relief in more detail.

What is the Effect of Exercise on the Brain and Body?

There are limited studies available that conclusively show the connection between physical fitness in treating anxiety or depression. However there are a lot of benefits of exercising such as lessening the intensity of anxious thoughts and related symptoms. As per research, engaging in hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity can reduce anxiety symptoms by 15-34% and depressive symptoms by 12-32%.

There are multiple ways in which physical activity can relieve anxiety. Physical activity releases endorphins in the brain which gives a feeling of relaxation. [1] Besides that there is an increase in the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin when people engage in physical activity. [2] That also helps improve mood.

Regular physical activity also reduces stress hormones like cortisol in the body and improves sleep quality. [1] Focusing on workouts also improves mindfulness for people—they do not have the time or energy to ruminate on negative thoughts. [2]

Overall there are multiple health benefits of physical activity both physiologically and psychologically.

Here are the mental benefits-

  • Exercising regularly improves mood due to the increased endorphin production. [3]
  • People experience lower stress levels from physical activities. [3]
  • Physically active people experience a boost in their cognitive function which helps with anxiety relief. [4]
  • Working out regularly helps increase muscle mass and lose weight. That further boosts self-esteem. [3]

These are the physical benefits-

  • It improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. [5]
  • Exercising consistently helps people maintain a healthy weight. [5]
  • It improves the immune system in people. [5]
  • Exercising helps people fall asleep faster and more deeply. [5]
  • Physical activity helps with muscle strengthening and enhances bone density. [5]

Types of Exercises That Help with Anxiety Relief

Here are the best types of exercises that help with feelings of anxiety.

Breathing exercises

Breathwork can significantly help manage feelings of anxiety and depression. Typically people dealing with anxiety disorders have a habit of breathing in through their upper chest and shoulders. So they tend to breathe in a panting sort of manner which can result in hyperventilation. This is why learning to control your breathing can help reduce anxiety symptoms.

You can try breathing in through the belly. Sit down or lie in a comfortable spot. Then place one of your hands on the stomach and the other one over your ribs. Slowly take a deep breath through your nose and hold it briefly. Then breathe out slowly through your mouth keeping your lips in a tight circle. Repeat this technique for a few turns.


This type of workout can differ in terms of intensity for various people. So if you want a degree of flexibility when it comes to the intensity of your routine yoga is a good choice. The movements here incorporate controlled breathing exercises alongside physical poses. While yoga can help ease anxiety and depression, it has many other benefits too. They include lowered heart rate, reduced blood pressure, better respiration and improved energy levels.

Aerobic exercises

One of the most notable exercises that has positive physical and mental benefits for a lot of people is aerobic exercise. This includes multiple types of physical activity like cycling, running and swimming.

As per federally-approved physical activity guidelines adults should ideally do two and half hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week (e.g., brisk walking) and one and a half hours of high-intensity exercise (e.g., swimming). People can also benefit from a routine that combines both moderate and high-intensity physical activity.

Tai Chi

This is a type of martial art that includes rhythmic breathing and meditation alongside body movements. The poses in this exercise involve making slow but deliberate movements. These require focus to achieve which helps calm the mind and distract from anxious thoughts. It also improves mindfulness and boosts self-esteem.

Practicing tai chi regularly can help decrease anxious thoughts, release stress and even improve blood pressure.

How to Know Which Type of Exercise Will Work For You

Everybody has different causes of anxiety, personal experiences and preferences. Besides that lifestyle factors also play a role when it comes to the benefits of exercise for people. Someone dealing with a heavy workload or someone who needs to juggle many work and household responsibilities will find it difficult to sustain regular gym sessions.

It is important to tailor an exercise routine that will work for their individual needs and situations. Selecting an exercise style that aligns with your preferences or personality will also be easier to stick to. For example, someone who prefers a calm environment may find a Pilates class more interesting than HIIT workouts. Here are some examples of the best workout styles for specific situations.

  • High-energy individuals. They may like HIIT or dance workouts.
  • People who love adventure or nature. These people will benefit from outdoor fitness options like cycling, rock climbing or swimming.
  • People who like social options. Team sports or group fitness classes can keep them engaged.
  • Individuals who like a calm environment. These people will find Pilates, Tai Chi or walking appealing.

Ultimately it is useful to prioritize consistency over intensity. Choosing something that you like will likely be easier to maintain over time. Working out regularly even for 10-15 minutes has good health benefits like anxiety relief.

Tips to Use Physical Activity for Anxiety Relief

Starting and then sticking to an exercise routine daily is easier said than done for many people. With certain steps one can start and manage their fitness journey successfully.

Prepare a plan

The first priority for you should be to plan your exercise routine. Take time to consider your preferences and lifestyle. How often can you take out time in your week to work out? Do you benefit from goal-oriented processes or do you tend to perform better with small targets?

Seriously think about what your main pain points that can hamper your workout habit. For example— someone who tends to procrastinate may work better with a fun physical activity that they like. Choose a fitness plan based on what you can consistently handle.

Consult with a mental health expert

You should discuss your condition with a mental health professional. They may guide you about an exercise program that will fit your overall treatment process.

Set manageable goals

Instead of setting strict targets you should prepare reasonable physical activity targets. For example you might struggle staying consistent in your exercise plan if you set hour-long workout sessions as a daily target. You should set more manageable goals instead—at least 15 minutes of stretching 3 days a week. Increase the intensity and time as you gain more strength and develop a habit of working out.

Give yourself leeway with your goals

It can impact negatively if you set too strict limitations on your workout routine. Give yourself grace during those moments. For example, if you miss your workout one day it is fine. If you set too rigid targets it will feel like a failure if there are any setbacks. That will be highly counterproductive—such moments can further increase feelings of stress and anxiety.

Prepare mentally for such obstacles. Instead of giving up if you miss a day of workout, continue with your routine as usual.

Bottom Line

There are many benefits to physical exercise and relieving anxiety is one of them. Regular workout improves health in various ways and can significantly help ease anxious thoughts and stress. However it is not the replacement for regular treatment. Instead—you should consider exercise as a supplementary therapy alongside other strategies like medications and talk therapy.

Incorporate physical exercise of your choice into your daily routine even if in small amounts. Adjust your plan based on what works best in your situation and life. As long as you maintain this habit consistently you will notice significant benefits in your physical health as well as emotional well-being.

Authored By
shebna n osanmoh

Shebna N Osanmoh I, PMHNP-BC

Jan 23, 2025

Shebna N Osanmoh is a board-certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with extensive experience across the mental health spectrum. Holding a Master’s in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing from Walden University, Shebna provides compassionate, culturally sensitive care for a wide range of mental health conditions, emphasizing holistic and individualized treatment approaches to support patients in their wellness journey.